If the world was ending...
If the world was ending, you'd come over right? The sky'd be falling and I'd hold you tight. And there wouldn't be a reason why we would even have to say goodbye. If the world was ending you'd come over right? Right? I don’t know if starting my blog with this song (see the link below to listen) needs a disclaimer or an apology. I know it's not a Christian song. The storyline is shaped more by hookup culture than church school talk- but what a great song! It’s catchy with a caramel kind of flow and has that internal tightness that every good song effortlessly emanates. Can 40 million Spotify listeners be wrong? I get really tired of the debate around what is Christian, especially when swimming in pop culture waters. Partly inspired by Luther’s off-hand comment "the devil has no need of all the good tunes for himself, " but more out of conviction that God doesn’t hate the world but loves it, I think our joyful theological task is engaging wh...